We all know that there are various ways of earn online money. Lot of times we know the concept, the idea and all other aspects but yet we cannot do it due to some difficulties. I earn online money by affiliate marketing and yes everyone can do it but it does require some knowledge which everyone might not have at the beginning.
There might be a possibility that you don’t want to make a living online but would like to earn something that can pay your bills or buy you some beer. So how does one make that extra cash without knowing much? This is the most common question asked by people who want to earn online money. Where Do I start if I want to earn online money? Is there a simple way to earn online money? What are my options?
The answer to this is Article Writing. Article writing is something that almost everyone of us can do. Not good in english? No problem. There are so many spell checkers available that you can easily correct your spellings and grammar. MS word and even browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox have inbuilt spell checkers, so there is no need to look for extra ones. Foreign language writers have a better chance of making money online because not many across the globe are good in foreign language article writing. Languages like Spanish & French can earn you some good amount if you can write in those languages.
Whom To Write For?
When you are looking for a job, the organisation or your ‘would be boss’ does not ring your door bell and request you to join (I wish it was like that). You need to put your resumes, give an interview after which you might or might not get that job. Thanx to the Internet, it’s very easy to get article writing jobs. To get article writing jobs, all you have to do is sign up for free with websites like VWorker and MicroWorkers. I would recommend new people to stick to these websites because they are genuine and the chances of someone cheating you are pretty low. Once you have an account with these sites, you can start picking jobs and start getting paid.
f you still want to be aggressive and want to get more article writing jobs, you can visit forums like DigitalPoint, SitePoint and V7N. Don’t just create an account and expect people to give you work. You will have to advertise yourself (which is free of course!) and give some good deals as the competition might be a bit high.
Once you have couple of jobs done, have a nice bio data with your client testimonials and use that to get more writing jobs.
Get Your Name Out There
The best way to let others know about your service, I would recommend to write articles on websites like Ezine Articles. You won’t get paid to submit articles there but it’s a good way to show people your work and let others contact you for some work. Similar stuff can be done by posting articles on websites like HubPages and Squidoo.
Follow Proper Ethics
Last but not the least. Follow some proper ethics when you write articles for your clients. Treat this as you treat your day job because this might one day help you quit your day job.
Avoid 3 common mistakes:
- Do not copy content from other websites as your client will come to know about it. This will spoil your reputation and you might get very less or no work in near future. You might also get banned from websites for doing this.
- Do not promise if you cannot deliver. Many new comers in to this profession get highly excited and tend to over promise. They end up being late which again spoils the reputation.
- Make sure that your fees are nominal. I would recommend charging less at the beginning and then increase your rates as you get more jobs. Know what are others are charging and try and match those rates. Charging way to high will never work.
So get your online income rolling with article writing. Sign Up with VWorker and MicroWorkers to get started!