Voice Search Optimization: A Challenging Horizon For E-Commerce Marketers

Every eCommerce store owner has the very prime concern of optimizing his online store with the help of as many a way as can be possible. Voice search marketing is one of the means which is more in trend nowadays due to the increasing use of the mobile devices in day to day personal and professional life.

In the same way, it may reduce the burden of the SEO and decrease some of the SEO practices to some extent, as the spoken query has emerged as the most powerful eCommerce trend in the recent past. Hence as a proactive thinker, you need to think about the role of the voice search SEO in retail eCommerce in the current time as well as the coming future.

The scope of eCommerce Voice Search:
The scope of the voice search can well be explained with the statistics implying the changing search habits of the customers be it on a mobile device, at the office or at home. According to statistics, 35.6 million Americans used a voice-activated assistant device at least once a month in 2017. And it is estimated that by 2020, 50% of the searches will be voice searches. This is the reason why voice search has compelled the giants like Google, Apple, and Amazon to come with more customized voice search tech-platforms.

In the same way, the voice searches are going to be more and more user-friendly as

  • Artificial Intelligence facilitates and interprets the data with more accuracy
  • Mobile networks coming up with faster data transfer which ultimately gives prompt response time

The scope of the eCommerce Voice search marketing is undoubtedly going to increase

Who can be the game changers?
The very first three names that occur to my mind are Apple, Google, and Samsung. However, it will be to early to say who is going to have a complete dominance in the coming days, but while planning and thinking proactively about voice searches eCommerce SEO marketing, one needs to know the strength of the players in the industry.

The credit of introducing the voice search would definitely to Apple and Google who launched the voice assistant on their platforms but currently, Amazon has overtaken the two with their Alexa/Echo. And among this trio, Amazon has the credit of leading especially in the eCommerce industry.

What will help you rank in Voice Search Results?
Though there is a famous saying, “No Plan is a Good Plan”, as an online retailer you need to be proactive in respect of the upcoming technological advancements. The following are some of my intuitions that might help you work out a voice search ranking strategy for your eCommerce store.

  • The contents – and your write-ups need to be well written with long tail keywords because voice searches will have the most possibility of the long tail keywords used by customers.
  • You will be required to make the micro data rich and adequate as there are the chances of the search engine to fetch from your contents to respond to a voice query.
  • You will be required to have loads of work on dialects as the majority of the voice queries will be local in nature.
  • And finally needless to mention yet can’t keep me mentioning here is, your eCommerce store website is supposed to be mobile friendly.

The impact of the dialectson voice search:
This is the juncture where SEO and Voice search will have the real challenging scenario. Local search by voice search technology will have a sizeable impact on the way the technology interprets a word spoken. For example, any local native is sure to utter what he is habituated to speak in his day to day life and hence he would place voice query as,

“Find me a mobile store fast” instead of saying, “Find me a mobile store nearby”.

Or there may be the dialectical pronunciation which search engine might not be familiar with. Hence, while your voice strategy is supposed to be rich in terms of the vocabularies used by the local natives and keeping mind the sense in which they use a particular word.

In November 2008, Google introduced voice search on Google mobile app on iPhone and that day onwards, this marathon is still continuing to give the best experience to the end-user. What a prudent market is required to do is to dig deep to well optimize their eCommerce considering the trends and advancements in this areas.

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