Paid Traffic Methods – Pay for Website Visitors

There are several different ways that you can pay for website traffic. Usually the traffic comes pretty rapidly and it is very targeted if you use a reputable program. I always recommend using a quality method of advertising if you are going to spend the money. Google Adwords might cost a lot, but the results can be A LOT better than other paid advertising methods.

My recommendation is sending people to some type of sign-up form whether it is for a membership website or an email list. If you are advertising to increase website traffic then you want to capture each and every visitor you get for the long-term.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Well this is where I would recommend Google’s Adwords program. You can find the search terms that you want to rank for and bid on a top spot in Google. Then, you have a certain budget and you pay every time someone clicks on your link and goes to your website. This method can be quite costly depending on the keywords you are targeting, but it is a great way to get traffic.

Solo Ads

These have been increasing in popularity recently because they are so effective. Solo Ads are purchased from a provider ( and they send you targeted visitors. Usually they are used for building an email list but you can also use it to increase the recognition to your website.
You usually pay around $30-$50 for every 100 targeted visitors to your website. Again, you should try to send all these leads to a squeeze page in order to get long-term customers.

Banner Advertising

This is separate from PPV advertising because you usually just pay for your banner to be up somewhere. Banner ads are usually purchased directly from a website by contacting the owner. You would pay a fixed amount to keep your banner ad up on a website for a fixed period of time.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do not click on banner ads as much as the used to. Your best bet is to try not to be too spammy with your banner ad.

PPV Advertising

With PPV Ads you generally pay for every 1000 views your advertisement gets. These are typically offered in the form of pop-ups, pop-unders, and banner ads.

PPV advertising tends to be pretty inexpensive compared to other methods, but the results are not always as good. Sometimes you might only get a couple of clicks for every 1,000 views.

Social Media Ads

This is a great method of gaining popularity in all of your social accounts and in turn using that popularity to gain website traffic. Once you start getting some Facebook likes, you can start advertising your products and services to others. As you get likes and followers, you can update your social media page with articles and links back to your website.

About Paid Advertising

As with anything, you get what you pay for. If an offer seems too good to be true, then it probably is. I have paid upwards of $1,000 just advertising my blog. A lot of that money was wasted because I didn’t take the time to do proper research before just spending money. Now, I take several hours to plan my advertisements rather than simply waste money.

Again, I recommend trying to capture every visitor in the form of a lead or squeeze page. Offer a free eBook or something for free and ask for an email in return. In the long run, it will give you a list of loyal subscribers who might even share your website with others.

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