Avoid Simple SEO Mistakes And Increase Traffic To Your Blog

Search Engine Optimization is a continuously evolving process and majority of the bloggers cannot keep pace with the latest trends in SEO. If done correctly it will help you get tons of traffic and high conversion rates for products sold on your website. If you make the following SEO mistakes on your blog, you will lost lot of valuable traffic to your blog.

1. Choosing too few or too many keywords in one blog post

It is not a good practice to keep only one keyword in mind and write to content based on it. It will reduce the user experience as well as make search engines believe that the intent of writing the blog post is only to boost search rankings. This may lead to penalty from search engines. On the other hand, if you target too many keywords in one blog post then your blog post will be full of keywords and affects the content quality. In addition, you may not be able to justify usage of every keyword in your blog post. This will reduce your chances of high search engine placements for the targeted keywords. The correct strategy would be to use two to three targeted keywords and structure your content accordingly.

2. Not linking to your old articles and updating them

As a blogger, you are constantly creating content for your blog. As your blog grows old, some of the old articles get lost in the archives of your blog. It is a good practice to link back to the old articles if you are writing about similar topic in your latest blog posts. This will help you keep your content evergreen and distribute traffic to all the articles on your blog. Deep linking is as important as link building for a blog.

3. Keep your blog design simple and fast

The blog design should be simple. Focus should be on content and role of advertising is only to fill gaps on the blog. Some of the bloggers get smart and insert advertising everywhere on their blog. These bloggers use content as a filler on their blog. Such blogs take away the user experience and do not satisfy the visitors of their blog. Running several advertisements or using too many graphics on your blog can reduce the speed of the blog. Visitors tend to hop over and visit other blogs, as they do not prefer waiting too much for the blog to load. Slow loading blogs will reduce crawl rate of your blog and thus search engines will index your site less frequently.

4. Including link to articles similar to your blog post to help your readers

As a blogger, you use ideas from some other bloggers. In this case, it is necessary to link back to the original source and be honest. This will help the other blog to get traffic. In some cases, the other blog may link back to your article thus giving a link boost to your blog. You may not be providing all the information related to a particular topic as the topic is vast to cover in a single post. In this case, you can include link to other articles and help your readers find the relevant information and build trust with them. This again may get you a link back from other blog and boost your back links.

5. Not optimizing images

Most bloggers neglect very important source of traffic. Google image search is as important as regular search. Image titles and ALT description will help search engines understand the topic of your blog post in a better manner. Optimize the image size and resolution to blend nicely with the content on your blog.

We will continue our discussion and learn about more SEO mistakes next time.

How do you optimize your site for SEO? Please share your experience in comments section of the blog.

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