Just Started With Affiliate Marketing? Here Are the Do and Don’ts

Have you just started with affiliate marketing but still not able to see $100 profit a day? Everyone is a newbie at the beginning and we tend to do lot of mistakes when we start. The worst part in this business is that there are plenty of online resources available which excite people to do lot of things at a time. Most of the affiliate marketers fail and then they never look back at this industry. I am sure no one likes to fail and if someone can guide you towards right directions then there are chances that you will make less or no mistakes.

As an affiliate marketer, I have made lots of mistakes but have always learned a lot from them. Here are some don’ts that I have put together. These are for you if you are planning to start your career in affiliate marketing. These will help you make less or no mistakes and give you a nice healthy start to your affiliate marketing career.

Free Traffic – Try and get free traffic to those offers at the beginning. There are loads of options for free traffic out there. SEO, social networks, forums, friends etc. can be some nice sources of free traffic to your offer page. Try these options first because almost 100% of the income here would be profit. It’s better to earn $110 after spending nothing, rather than earning $110 after spending $100. Paid traffic is always the best option but I would never recommend a newbie to jump in to it straight away. Work hard on SEO, back links etc. and see what niche/offers are doing good for you. Earn some decent amount first and then think about spending that money on paid traffic.

Don’t buy useless stuff – Why would I sell a $49 ebook when I am making loads of money with affiliate marketing? There are hundreds of gurus out there and do you really think they are ready to share their secrets with you? Even if they share their secrets which are making them thousands of dollars per day, why the hell would be selling $49 ebooks? Use your brains and stay away from such products and services. Save money right now! You will need it later.

Don’t waste time reading success stories – Follow only few people. You should not spend hours reading forums and blogs on how people are making thousands a day. The fact is that 99% of them are not making even 100 a day. Stick to a few quality blogs and read only what they have to say.

Implement that idea without wasting a minute – I keep saying this all the time. If you have an idea, go ahead and start working on it immediately. Most of the ideas that come to your mind will work for you. There will be a few which won’t work but these ideas will give you more ideas on how to make things work. I hope I am making sense here. Got the idea?

Don’t be lazy or scared – Always think positive. I know a couple of guys who always talk negative when I share an idea with them. These guys come to me asking for help with affiliate marketing and when I share my idea, they would give me reasons on how it will not work. I won’t be scared to try something which does not require me to spend anything. This business is all about trying and testing. Keep testing new things and stick to something that is working for you. There are chances that a specific offer, traffic source, or some brilliant idea will not work for you forever. Hence, its always better to keep testing new things all the time… you will find lot of surprises.

Use those free tools – The only place where I would recommend a newbie affiliate marketer to spend is hosting and a domain. I see newbies spending 100s a month on tracking tools, paid templates, plugins, logos and all that crap. Don’t do it! Do some research and use those free tools. Doing things on your own will always help you and your bank balance. You might not have the best tool or design but you will have something for free which works and makes you money. There are tons of free options available on the Internet. Use them!

Know what you want – If you are new, you obviously don’t need big tools to get your stuff running. You may find people asking you to get a dedicated web host or that awesome $399 script. Ignore such people. You know what you want and you can get it for cheap. For hosting, get something like 3W WebServices, the blogger package which will cost you just around $30 a month.

If you go through the recommendations above, you can see the message here is to not to spend anything or spend as low as possible when you start with affiliate marketing. Less expenses will give you more profits and thats the only thing that you need to keep yourself motivated in this industry. Start spending from day one and there are chances that you will fail and never look back at this industry. Always go slow and solid.

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